Anesthesiologist job at Sheridan Healthcare, Inc. in Mobile

Sheridan Healthcare, Inc. is presently looking of Anesthesiologist on Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:37:22 GMT. Looking for an Anesthesiologist in Mobile, AL to join a Care Team of 5 Anesthesiologists and 7 CRNAs. Cases include: cardiac, OB, GI, (regional skills a plus). Supervision will be required. Call is 1:5 - 1st call is taken from home and 2nd call is covered by a CRNA. Post call day off. $350,000 salary, $25,000 annual bonus, and retirement contribution.


Location: Mobile, Alabama

Description: Sheridan Healthcare, Inc. is presently looking of Anesthesiologist right now, this job will be assigned in Alabama. For complete informations about this job opportunity kindly see the descriptions. Looking for an Anesthesiologist in Mobile, AL to join a Care Team of 5 Anesthesiologists and 7 CRNAs. Cases include: cardiac, OB, GI, (regional skills a plus). Supervision will be required. Call is 1:5 - 1st ! call is taken from home and 2nd call is covered by a CRNA.

Post call day off. $350,000 salary, $25,000 annual bonus, and retirement contribution.
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If you were eligible to this job, please email us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to Sheridan Healthcare, Inc..

Interested on this job, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This job will be opened on: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 14:37:22 GMT

Apply Anesthesiologist Here

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