Anesthesiologist job at Mint Physician Staffing in

Mint Physician Staffing is at the momment seeking for Anesthesiologist on Wed, 29 May 2013 03:54:59 GMT. Established pain management center looking for physician to do injections one day per week as they expand! No advanced procedures or medical management involved. Mint Physicians provides competitive compensation paid weekly, malpractice insurance, travel, lodging, expedited hospital privileges, and 24 hour availability for after hours assistance.


Location: , Alabama

Description: Mint Physician Staffing is at the momment seeking for Anesthesiologist right now, this job will be settled in Alabama. For detail informations about this job opportunity please give attention to these descriptions. Established pain management center looking for physician to do injections one day per week as they expand! No advanced procedures or medical management involved.

Mint Physicians provides c! ompetitive compensation paid weekly, malpractice insurance, travel, lodging, expedited hospital privileges, and 24 hour availability for after hours assistance.
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If you were eligible to this job, please send us your resume, with salary requirements and a resume to Mint Physician Staffing.

Interested on this job, just click on the Apply button, you will be redirected to the official website

This job starts available on: Wed, 29 May 2013 03:54:59 GMT

Apply Anesthesiologist Here

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